Shared living accommodation and commercial space on Cricklewood Lane

The SoCo is bringing forward proposals to transform 1–13 Cricklewood Lane to better meet the needs of the local area than the existing planning permission.

Our proposals are for shared living accommodation, providing a safe, community-based offering for residents, as well as enhanced commercial space at ground floor.

The SoCo has now submitted its proposals for 1-13 Cricklewood Lane to Barnet Council.

Full details of the planning application can be found on the Council’s planning portal, by searching for 24/4057/FUL.

The project team is grateful for all feedback that was shared during our consultation on our proposals. The key themes of feedback that we heard were:

Ensuring the design complements Cricklewood

We have updated our designs to be a darker, more complementary shade

Delivering ground floor uses that suit the area

We will consider the most appropriate uses and amenities for the ground floor

Improving the safety and security of the area

Our proposals will help to make Cricklewood Lane feel safer, and we have already fixed the gate on-site to improve this

View the materials from our public exhibition.

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